Select your spice level

Select your spice level: You can select your spice level from Mild to Level 10.
Choose your topping

You can add any kinds of toppings to the curry you order. Try the combination!
Select the quantity of rice

Order as much rice as you want! When ordering between 200g and 400g of rice, you can increase the portion in 50g increments
  • Chicken Curry

    The batter is crispy! Inside is a luxurious piece of juicy meat!

  • Pork Curry

    Etiam venenatis dui nec urna rutrum laoreet. Phasellus rutrum erat eu cursus egestas. Etiam venenatis dui nec urna

  • Seafood Curry

    Etiam venenatis dui nec urna rutrum laoreet. Phasellus rutrum erat eu cursus egestas.

  • Vegetable Curry

    Etiam venenatis dui nec urna rutrum laoreet. Phasellus rutrum erat eu cursus egestas. Etiam venenatis dui nec urna

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